EVA and other measures


HOLT Value Associates explain how CFROI is calulated and how it is related to market values. www.holtvalue.com


"Economic Value Added or Cash Value Added?"

An Article By Fredrik Weissenrieder. Mr Weissenrieder is a Consultant within Value Based Management and has been Lecturer at Gothenburg School of Economics and Commercial Law. He has presented a consept Cash Value Added (CVA) that is a kind of "cash-based EVA" (This is our notation and not one from Mr Weissenrieder). In our opinion CVA is a good consept and it certainly pays to have a look at it especially if EVA is problematic within your industry because of long term investments or big difference between book and market values of assets etc.


Why EVA is better than ROI

7 slides by Esa Mäkeläinen


Working paper, University of Tennessee

"Free Cash Flow (FCF), Economic Value Added (EVA TM), and Net Present Value(NPV): A Reconciliation of Variations of Discounted-Cash-Flow (DCF) Valuation" by Ronald E. Shrieves, Ph.D. SunTrust Bank Professor of Finance and John M. Wachowicz,Jr., Ph.D., CPA Professor of Finance, University of Tennessee


2.3.6 EVA vs. other Value-based measures (A chapter in a study)

A chapter from a long study (by Esa Mäkeläinen). Please click the corresponding chapter number (2.3.6.) from the table of contents after you have chosen this link.


2.3.5 EVA vs. traditional performance measures (A chapter in a study)

A chapter from a long study (by Esa Mäkeläinen). Please click the corresponding chapter number (2.3.5.) from the table of contents after you have chosen this link.
